Tax Alert India
SEBI has started new system for tackle the investor complaints of listed companies. SEBI named it SCORES. Stock and Exchange Board of India issued a circulation about SCORES and the main features of this new system which solves the investor problem of listed companies. According to SEBI, this new system is totally electronic and one can complaint online to any listed company to SEBI with this system. The sailent features of this new system as well as the circular is as under.

CIR/OIAE/2/2011        June 3, 2011 
All Companies whose securities are listed on Stock Exchanges 
(through Stock Exchanges) 
All recognized Stock Exchanges 
Dear Sir/Madam, 
Sub:  Processing of investor complaints against listed companies in SEBI  
 Complaints Redress System (SCORES) 
1. SEBI has commenced processing of investor complaints in a centralized web 
based complaints redress system ‘SCORES’.    The salient features of this 
system are: 
• Centralised database of all complaints, 
• Online movement of complaints to the concerned listed companies,  
• Online upload of Action Taken Reports (ATRs) by the concerned 
companies, and 
• Online viewing by investors of actions taken on the complaint and its 
current status.  
2. All complaints pertaining to companies will be electronically sent through 
SCORES at  The companies are required to view the 
complaints pending against them and submit ATRs alongwith supporting 
documents electronically in SCORES.  Failure on the part of the company to 
update the ATR in SCORES will be treated as non redressal of investor 
complaints by the company. Submission of physical ATR will not be accepted for 
complaints lodged in SCORES.    For complaints forwarded to companies on or 
before 20/05/2011, physical ATRs should be submitted.   
3. The user id and password for logging into SCORES at
are being communicated separately to companies against whom complaints are 
lodged in SCORES.  
4-In case the complaints are processed by the Registrar to Issue and Share 
Transfer Agent (RTI/STA) on behalf of the company, the company should 
indicate in the enclosed Annexure whether they require the facility to forward 
complaints to the RTI/STA, so that the ATRs can be uploaded by them.  In such 
cases, the name of the RTI/STA, the name of the Compliance Officer and email 
id should be furnished, so that the  user id and password can be provided 
accordingly.  Further, failure on the part of the RTI/STA to update the ATR in 
SCORES will be treated as non redressal of investor complaints by the company. 
5. This Circular supercedes the Circular No.OIAE/Cir-1/2009 dated November 25, 
2009 so far as it relates to Annexure-C to the said Circular wherein the 
companies had to submit physical ATRs on the complaints forwarded by SEBI to 
6. All companies whose securities are  listed on Stock Exchanges are advised to 
comply with the aforesaid Circular. 
7. The Stock Exchanges are accordingly advised to bring the provisions of this 
Circular to the notice of all the companies whose securities are listed in the 
exchange and also to disseminate the same on the website. 
8. This Circular is issued in exercise of powers conferred under Section 11(1) of the 
Securities and Exchange Board of India  Act, 1992 to protect the interests of 
investors in securities and to promote the development of, and to regulate the 
securities market. 
9. This Circular is available on SEBI website at
Yours faithfully, 
Chief General Manager 
Office of Investor Assistance and Education 
Tel No.022-26449400 
Email id -
tags-how to complaint of a compant to sebi,how to complaint sebi,

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