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Stock and exchange board of India asks the promoters of the listed firms to convert their holding of the shares in demat form. Promoters of around 50% listed company still hold the shares in physical form out of which almost 650 promoters of the firms holds entire holding in physical form.
What is demat holding:- Demat holding is the electronic form of holding the shares in which only figure of the shares in the demat account. If you have shares in your account, there will be the figure of the shares and name of the company. No such certificates or physical shares will be hold by the shareholder in this form.
Benefit:- The shareholder needn't care of the physical shares as well as there is less chances of fraud in the dematerislialised form of the shares.

The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) has made it mandatory for promoters of all listed companies to hold shares in the demat form only. Companies will have to comply with the new norms before the end of September.

According to data, promoters of 2,644, or nearly 50 per cent listed companies, still hold shares in physical form. Of these, promoters of around 650 companies hold their entire stake in physical form. Such companies where promoters’ holding is in physical form include Hindustan Unilever, BHEL and MTNL, among others.

According to shareholding pattern till quarter ended March 2011, companies where some shares are in physical form include Dabur, Reliance Industries, Reliance Infrastructure, Reliance Communication, Reliance Power, Gammon Infrastructure, Jaypee Infratec and Cairn India, among others.

The scrips of those companies that fail to comply with the new norms would be put under surveliance in the trade-totrade segment. Under this, only delivery-based trading can be done and stock will be closely monitored by exchanges.

Sebi said the norms were introduced to “further promote dematerialisation of securities, encourage orderly development of the securities market and to improve transparency in the dealings of shares, including the pledge or use as collateral, by promoters”.

Market players say the move could bring in more transparency. Share demat was mainly introduced to curb the menace of duplication of shares and fraud entries. Also, duplicate entries of shares of some of the largest private sector companies were found by the regulator in the past before the demat regime was introduced in the domestic markets.

Ambareesh Baliga, chief operating officer, Way2Wealth, said: “Companies never bothered to convert their shares in the dematerialised form. Now, they will have to do it. However, it won’t have any impact from the business point of view. From the revenue perspective, there may be an increase for a month, as there are charges involved.”
Tags-demat share form,sebi circular,what is demat,dematerialised form of shares,how to demat the shares

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