DEPB Scheme will last for 3 more months

Tax Alert India
Duty entitlement pass book scheme will last for three more months upto 30-9-2011, the custom department issued a notification regarding this scheme. Under the notification number 26/2011 dated 01-04-2011, custom department defines that DEPB scheme will last for three more months upto 30-09-2011. Full notification is as under.
Circular No.  26 /2011-Cus.

F. No. 605/128/2005-DBK(Pt.)
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
Central Board of Excise & Customs
New Delhi, the 1st July, 2011

All Chief Commissioners of Customs,
All Chief Commissioners of Customs & Central Excise/ C. Ex.,
All Director Generals under CBEC,
All Commissioners of Customs/ Customs (Preventive),
All Commissioners of Customs & Central Excise/ Central Excise.


Subject : Continuation of DEPB scheme for three months beyond 30.06.2011 i.e. upto 30.09.2011–Reg

I am directed to invite your attention to Notification No. 51/2011-Cus dated 22.06.2011 which amends Notification No. 97/2009-Cus dated 11.09.2009, whereby the validity of Notification No. 97/2009-Cus [which governs imports under the Duty Entitlement Pass Book (DEPB) scheme] has been extended.  The amending notification 51/2011-Cus stipulates that the  notification will be valid for DEPB scrips issued by the Licensing Authority  against exports having ‘Let Export Order’ up to and inclusive of the 30th  day of September, 2011. The term ‘Let Export Order’ has also been explained in the amending notification as anorder which permits clearance and loading of the goods for exportation by the proper officer in accordance with section 51 of the Customs Act, 1962.

2.         Thus, all exports having ‘Let Export Order’ upto 30.09.2011 are eligible for issue of DEPB scrips by the DGFT.  There may be a rush of export consignments before the said date under the DEPB scheme causing extra load on the EDI system, since export consignments with ‘Let Export Order’ after 30.09.2011 would not be eligible for benefits of the DEPB scheme. Therefore, all Custom officers posted at ports under your jurisdiction may be directed to take due care and ensure that all consignments that have been examined / found fit for export on 30.09.2011 are given ‘Let Export’ order promptly on the EDI system. In case of any systems related problem, ‘Let Export Order’ should be endorsed manually on such shipping bills on 30-09-2011 so that the interests of the exporters are not adversely affected. 

3.    Receipt of the Circular may please be acknowledged.

Yours faithfully, 

(Rajesh Kumar Agarwal)
Under Secretary (Drawback)
Tags-depb,depb scheme,duty entitlement passbook scheme,depb sceme validity,duty entitlement pass book scheme validity,validity of depb scheme

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