CBDT circular no. 19 about Income Declaration Scheme 2016

Tax Alert India
CBDT has issued a circular no. 19/2016 dated 25 May 2016 about Income Declaration Scheme 2016. Full Circular is as under.

Income Declaration Scheme, 2016, introduced vide Finance Act, 2016 (28 of 2Ol6J, provides an opportunity to persons who have not paid full taxes in the past to come forward and declare their undisclosed income. Rule 4 of the Income Declaration Scheme Rules, 2O16 provides that a declaration of income or income in the form of investment in any asset u/s 183 shall be made in the prescribed marner to the Principal Commissioner or the Commissioner who exercises jurisdiction over the declarant.

2. It is, therefore, clarilied that the jurisdictional Principal Comrnissioner or the Commissioner, as the case may be, who exercises jurisdiction u/s l2O of the Income-tax Act, 96 1, as notified by CBDT from time to time over such declarant, shall be the Principal Commissioner or the Commissioner as referred to in section 186 of the Income Declaration Scheme 2076 to whom declaration under 183 of that Scheme is to be made.

Notet Notifications of the Gouemment of India, Central Board of Drect Taxes, pertaining to the jurisdiction u/ s 12O of the Income-tax Act, 1961 - Published in the Gazette of India, Ertraordinory, Part-I! Section 3, Sub-section (ii)- S.O. 2752 (E ) dated 22.10.2014, S.O. 2754 (E ) dated 22.10.2014,5.O.2814 (E )dated 03.11.2014,5.O.2885 (E )dated 12.11.2014,5.O.3244 (E ) dated 19.12.2O14,5.O.2911 (E ldated 13.11.2014,5.O.2922 (E) dated 15.11.2014, S.O. 2915 (E) dated 13.11.2014, S.O. 3911 (E) dated 16.12.2014, S.O. 355 (E) dated 05.02.2015, S O. 2812 (D dated 13.1O.2O15.

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