New technological development specially in the field of Information Technology have ushered a new era of providing instant, hassle-free services to citizens without human interface. Using the latest technology advancements, the Department of Trade and Taxes has developed a mobile application DVATMsewa to provide various services to traders. One of the services to be provided through the new App is registration of dealers under the DVAT Act, 2004 and CST Act, 1956. The following procedure is hereby prescribed to deal with requests for registration of dealers received through DVATMsewa App without verification of business premises by VAT Inspector and to complete the registration process almost instantaneously:—
1. Dealer has to download the DVATMsewa APP on his mobile and register himself on the mobile APP by giving his basic information like name, Adhaar number, date of birth, mobile no. and residential address.
2. Thereafter the user/dealer will provide further information relating to his business through the APP like name of firm/organisation, constitution of Business, dealer type, PAN no., E-mail, Business address and will also upload image of business premise through the App which will capture the GPS coordinates of his place of business.
3. On submission of the request of the dealer, the computer system of the Department will verify Aadhar details from Aadhar/UID portal and will also verify PAN details of the dealer with Income Tax data being maintained by NSDL
4. After successful verification of PAN and Aadhar details, the details submitted by the dealer for registration shall be made available to the Ward VATO in his login. The VATO will have to check the address of business premises as submitted by the dealer and location of business premise on the map as indicted in google map by the coordinates of the image of business premises uploaded.
5. If the VATO finds that the address matches with the location as per GPS coordinates uploaded by dealer, he will verify the same and reference ID and password will be sent to the registered applicant through e-mail on the same day.
6. Dealer will then file registration application under DVAT and/ or CST, as the case may be, and deposit fee online. Scanned requisite documents are also required to be uploaded with the application.
7. In case of applications received through the App no. verification by VATI will be required. The final application will come to VATO's account who will approve or reject it, as may be considered fit by him. On Approval by VATO final TIN will be generated.
8. Registration Certificate would be made available in the login of dealer on the same day.
9. Signed copy of the RC would be dispatched to the dealer by post till the online despatch facility through digital signatures is extended to all Registration Authorities of the department.
In the aforesaid process, Registration number/TIN would be issued within a working day to the dealer. All Assessing Authorities are directed to follow the aforesaid process. In case of applications not received through mobile App, the existing process of registration after VATI verification will continue.